Press Release

Assembly Committee Passes Blakespear’s Bill to Create Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

SB 511 would give cities and counties vital information to help them prepare Climate Action Plans, meet state and local goals

SACRAMENTO – Legislation by Sen. Catherine Blakespear, D-Encinitas, to ensure cities and counties have the information they need to combat our climate crisis and make reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions passed the Assembly Natural Resources Committee on Monday.

SB 511 would direct the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to prepare inventories of GHG emissions for cities and counties to use in their preparation of Climate Action Plans and efforts to reduce GHG emissions in local communities.

The bill, already passed by the Senate, goes next to the Assembly Appropriations Committee for consideration.  

“Providing an inventory gives local governments a roadmap on how to best reduce greenhouse gas emissions and meet their climate goals,” Blakespear said. “This is crucial, because as a former mayor, I know the fight against climate change begins at the local level.”

The urgency has been underscored by the latest forecast made by the World Meteorological Organization, which predicted last week that the next five years will likely be the hottest ever recorded on Earth. According to climate scientists, rising temperatures have fueled heat waves, wildfires, droughts, super storms and other environmental challenges.  

“I know people may get tired of hearing it, but there is nothing more important right now for the future of humanity than tackling the climate crisis and doing everything we can to keep our planet healthy,” Blakespear said.

Some cities and counties already track their GHG emissions. However, many local governments, including vulnerable and disadvantaged communities, do not have the expertise or funding to measure their emissions.

The bill would provide a $2.5 million appropriation to CARB to do the work. By directing CARB to assemble and share GHG emission inventories with local governments, SB 511 would ensure emissions across the state are being tracked in a uniform and consistent manner.

Reliable data not only assist local governments in their planning efforts but also help the state accurately analyze trends and progress. The state has set a goal of reducing GHG emissions by 40 percent from 1990 levels by 2030.

Elected in November, Blakespear represents Senate District 38, which covers northern coastal San Diego County and parts of inland Orange County. To learn more about the district and Blakespear, visit her Senate website. 
